2022-06-24   git 

YukiGitFlow - How I use git


Start foobar

Branch off from the master branch.

         $ git checkout master
[master] $ git checkout -b foobar

Work on foobar

Work on foobar branch and push to remote foobar branch constantly.

         $ git checkout foobar
[foobar] $ git add . 
[foobar] $ git commit -m "Add foobar."
[foobar] $ git push origin foobar

Finish foobar

Merge foobar branch into master branch.

         $ git checkout master
[master] $ git diff foobar
[master] $ git merge --no-ff foobar
[master] $ git branch -d foobar
[master] $ git push origin master



 2022-06-24   git